Vesting Fees

How we generate fees from your vesting locker.

Locking/Vesting Fees

  • For a one time lock: 0.9% of the vested tokens is used to pay for the fee.

  • For recurrent locks: a 1 time fee of $15,000 USDT/USDC/DAI (Or equivalent value in ETH) for a specific token contract address, allowing an unlimited amount of free locks, split, relock, etc. from any wallet at any time.

Unlock schedule

  • Simple: Lock tokens in a locker until a specific date/time (based on block) when they will all be released at once.

  • Linear: Lock n amount of tokens until a specific date/time (start of unlock) when they will be released gradually, and in a linear way, until a specific date/time is reached (all tokens will be then unlocked).

Last updated