Know Your Product (KYP)

Product manufacturing data used to validate the authentication of your brand's product.

Facilitate the transparent flow of supply chain data to guarantee quality by establishing permissioned nodes with supply chain partners to enable the Know Your Product (KYP) details of any item; a view of the supply chain from raw material to sale and future resale.

BlokTime Score will rate a brand's adherence with compliance measures in the following areas:

Carbon footprint

We have partnered with Blockchain Triangle to provide Carbon Offset options to help improve your cashflow options when you commit to a net carbon neutral manufacturing strategy.

We help to provide investors with direct and unfettered access to over $4T in climate finance opportunities. By reducing the barrier of entry for climate and infrastructure projects, BlokTime in combination with Blockchain Triangle aims to accelerate the transition to a zero-emission and climate resilient global economy.

BlokTime with the Blockchain Triangle Marketplace is a digital security issuance platform that connects issuers and investors to allow for easy and transparent access to climate and infrastructure projects.

Labor Wage Laws

Human Trafficking

The authentication of a branded luxury good can only commency when every item on the supply chain can be validated in real-time at any point along the ecosystem. BlokTime establishes a secure architecture to protect a brand's intellectual property while honoring the property rights of the holder. Your digital assets are safeguarded when Powered By BlokTime.

Last updated