Selling Genuine Products

Protect your intellectual property and your supply chain.

All sales on our platform include a BlokTime "Service Fee" of 3.0% and a "Creator Royalty" of 10%, for a total of 13%. This is the highest percentage that can be deducted from an product sale traded on BlokTime's Authentiplace.

BlokTime's Fees

BlokTime's model is simple - we take 3% of every transaction that happens on BlokTime. That's it. Users and partners can create BlokTags for an addition fee while working with our in-house 3D Authentication specialists

You can set a royalty of up to 10%. This means you can earn revenue every time your product sells on BlokTag. To learn how to set your royalty, click here.

Splitting Revenue

If you are creating a collection on behalf of someone or as part of a group, please note that BlokTime does support contract level splits. You can split the revenue any amount of ways that you want and with all of your team members.

All you need to do is enter the address and the percentage of the split each person on the team requires. Just connect your wallet to view the claim window in your profile to withdraw the royalties that are stored in your balance in the SmartContract.

Last updated